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Thank you so much for your incredible support at this years 27th Annual Party with a Purpose!

We’re thrilled to share that, thanks to your generosity and participation, we raised just over $20,700.


Your contributions make a direct impact on the lives of victims and their families, allowing us to continue providing essential support and services. We couldn’t have done it without you, and we’re so grateful for your commitment to our mission.

See you next year!

SAVE THE DATE for October 17, 2025! We will be at the Edge of Webster this year.

Nazovite nas:

(314) 652-3623


Sati telefona:

Ponedjeljak - petak 8:30 - 17:00



Pronađite nas:

539 North Grand Blvd., Suite 400

Saint Louis, Missouri 63103


Sati za ulazak u ured:

Ponedjeljak - četvrtak 10:00 - 14:00



In person meetings are by appointment only. 

Call to schedule.

Centar za žrtve kriminala zalaže se za nediskriminaciju. Naše usluge su dostupne svim žrtvama zločina bez obzira na rasu, boju kože, nacionalno porijeklo (uključujući ograničeno znanje engleskog jezika), vjeru, spol, rodni identitet, seksualnu orijentaciju, invaliditet ili dob.

CVC je neprofitna organizacija oslobođena poreza od 501c3. Naš porezni broj je 43-1025252

© 2013-2021 Centra za žrtve kriminala

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